My interest in photography began when I was young but became more serious in high school. Always asking my friends to model for me, dressing up in weird outfits and finding interesting locations to try out (probably bad) ideas. Eliot and I met in jr high and became close friends and unfortunately for her, this meant she was one of the people I photographed the most when I was learning. Ever the good sport, she let me experiment with lighting, lenses and dive deeper into my passion for photography.

Flash forward over 15 years, we’re still very close and I’m still asking if I can take photos of her.

Residing in her hometown of Santa Barbara, Eliot takes weekly ritualistic-like visits to the ocean, where she gathers inspiration, studies the geology, documents findings, and collects washed up waste; she enjoys the challenge of working with these discarded materials, aiming to transform and elevate them beyond their perceived limitations.

I was lucky to spend a morning with her at her studio, observing the beautiful creations she makes, the objects she’s collected over the years, and letting my eye and camera wonder around her beautiful space. To see more of her work, check out this link.


At Home with Hayley and Omar


Nathan Hayden